My Dashboard

Evaluate careerpaths

In this section, you can evaluate potential careerpaths, explore what if scenarios, find possible careerpaths to your dream job, etc. Please select from any of the below options to visualise potential careerpaths. You can click on solid nodes to expand it and click again to research any particular node

My Goals

This is a section where you can store all your goals that you wish to make career plan for. Each goal can have multiple Nodes associated with it

My Action Plans

This is a section where you can store all your Action Plans to meet your specific Goals. Each Plan can have multiple Tasks (ToDos) which you can act on

My ToDos

This is a section where all your Planned ToDos can be viewed. You can add more either manually or you can view suggestions and add whatever suggested Tasks you like to your Plan.

Suggestions for me

This is a section where all your machine generated suggestions are visible. You can select the ones you like and add them to your Plan

My MarketPlaces

This is a section where you can view and Manage all your MarketPlace activities.


My communities


My subscriptions


My transactions

My Other Actions

This is a section where you can trigger all other views and actions.


Signup as a Provider


My Company as Provider


View Outcomes


Company Insights


Industry Insights


Role Insights